Automated debt limitations on Foreign Aid and other budget items

Put in a law that automatically triggers limits on foreign aid if deficit is greater than 5% of GDP and total debt over 100% of GDP.

Throughout history many countries have experienced economic collapse from foreign wars and excessive spending. When the total debt gets above 100% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) it indicates that the country has more debt than its total economic output. Many economist and policy makers debate if this is an import measure but it is a red flag for unchecked government spending. To make government policy makers focus on efficiency of dollars spent when this level is breached we should make a law that automatically curtails certain spending items while debt to GDP is over 100%.

First we should limit spending on foreign aid including aid to illegal immigrants when debt is over 100% and deficit spending is over 5%.


I like it, though I would be even more conservative with the limitations and make it very hard for executive actions to circumvent.