Audit the government

For some reason it’s entirely okay for our government to spend our tax dollars as
Frivolously as they desire. With no repercussions on fraud waste and abuse. We send money to terrorists, we fund overthrows of governments, we fund bombs on both sides of wars and conflicts. At the end of each fiscal year there should be a report, down to the half a penny, on how many tax were brought in on the federal level, as well as where the money went and in relation to what it went for. Why is it okay for the representatives of the people to just spend money to the tune of billions of dollars.
The American tax payer is OWED, WHERE WHAT WHY AND WHEN, their dollars are spent.
This is common sense and the fact we can’t account for billions(911) give terrorists millions a week while our infrastructure crumbling is the epitome of embarrassing.


Transparency is absolutely needed. The Pentagon and other agencies don’t even bother to do audits. Trillions of taxpayer money is “missing.” Where is it? Who profited? Surely we have the technology to track this down.