Annex Mexico, and Every Country South to Columbia!

Very few threats can come unto a country with oceans as borders from sea to shining sea. However, our current northern & southern borders aren’t oceans, but 7,458 miles of mostly straight-lines through nowhere. If we conjoin with Canada, our current 5,525 miles long borders with them would solely become the turbulent northern seas. Similarly, if we push our current 1,933 miles long southern border southwards, to the Darién Gap, it would become a geographical choke-point between Central & South America, not even 100 miles wide. The last southern border change happened in 1854; with present-day Arizona’s border moving from a natural border, the Gila river, southwards to its current weird straight lines through nowhere lands, and present-day New Mexico’s south-west border moved southwards - from straight lines, to more & longer straight lines… It’s hard to imagine things outside of our lifetimes, but 1854 really isn’t that long ago; and the US had ownership of a 10-mile wide strip of land centered around the Panama Canal until 1979 – definitely not that long ago! Just because administrations since then haven’t had the guts to attempt another border change; doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be the right choice of action – eventually, it’ll happen ~ whether we wait until far-future generations are forced to take action, or re-imagine our borders & preemptively take action in the near-future. With a current massive technological gap between our military & all those south of the border, this point in time may be our best chance of achieving these border re-imaginings with the lowest repercussions; we’d likely be able to take control of each country within days, and very likely without opposition from anyone but the cartels that we’d be targeting. The drug cartels have killed more North Americans than any war - likely all wars North Americans have participated in, combined! Having our southern boundary become less than 100 miles across would be much easier to control, and direct oversight over this border would significantly reduce the ever-increasing influx of South American drugs, diseases, migrants, and crime. It’s high-time we have direct paved & rail-line land-routes into South America to allow over-land commerce & tourism! Annexing these countries will bring increased safety & peace to people north of this new border – including the peaceful Central Americans ravaged by the jackals in their midst.

i. Wind-up; preliminary soft operations.
ii. Annexation
iii. Darién Gap border wall; construction
iv. Integration; the peoples & specific policies/implementations
:small_blue_diamond: English language
:small_blue_diamond: territories/statehood/citizenship
:small_blue_diamond: indigenous tribes recognition, & supplemental land appropriation. voluntary emigration.
v. Land routes
:small_orange_diamond: Roads; Pan-American highway completion
:small_orange_diamond: Railways; creation & benefits
:small_orange_diamond: thoughts/ideas on specific technology that could be built
vi. Clean-up; ongoing operations
vii. Wind-down

I: Conduct studies to see if there is interest in said countries for seceding to the United states. If interest is significant enough that a vote for succession has a high chance of passing, then use the resulting data in preliminary media campaigns & diplomatically pursue real public votes to be held for secession to the United States. Preliminary joint operations to eradicate cartels should also be conducted as a show of force to dissuade military members from attempting to defend if forced annexation is conducted in their country.

II: Utilizing the US military, +/-joint task forces with local troops &/or police (depending on how much they can be trusted, &/or if the country successfully voted to join the US), eradicate the drug cartels along a southwards push towards the Darién Gap. A second show of force could precede the annexation/secession-acceptance (for those that voted to secede) – from an initial blitz to wipe-out air & anti-air assets, to fly-overs of planes that are currently 2+ generations of technological sophistication beyond anything they have in their arsenals.

III: Create a border wall somewhere across the Darién Gap; a much prettier, more long-term wall than the current one – one that can hold-up to the rainfall in that region; like a stone, &/or concrete, wide-wall that can be walked upon the tops of. Additionally, begin building advanced detection system(s) around the entirety of the US to detect boats, submarines, and air & space traffic.

IV: Language~culture barrier is an issue; but, we shouldn’t think within our own lifetimes; significant historical changes take many lifetimes. Although, it could likely be fairly quick – for instance; imagine a coordinated effort of a more Paul Pimsleur-like method of immersion & spaced repetition; with english words that have been repeated enough times, then fully replacing their spanish equivalents in all written & spoken contexts, & media personalities using the english words that have been replaced; where all media; tv, movies, radio, road signs, written, and even the internet/websites/apps/smartphones could replace, already designated as having been replaced, spanish words to their english equivalents – first utilizing a spaced-repetition method of introducing new english before fully flipping those words to english; at-first, words that are already very similarly written &/or pronounced between spanish & english, & possibly some others to allow the people to learn the words on their own – like “ALTO” → “STOP”; spanish & english have almost exactly the same latin characters alphabets, & seeing alto signs instead say ‘STOP’, they would likely be able to understand & learn, & pronounce, the word on their own; any other well-recognized things with text, could switch to english immediately. And, over a period of, say, 8years, all spanish words are thus replaced with english ones. Mixed subtitles could be required in all media during that 8years transition to help teach the spellings of replaced, now english, words. All of this can be automated with a top-level api telling connected systems what words, when & how long to have them replaced & a growing list of words for permanent replacement – once all words are replaced with english ones, the system can be phased-out. Once the people of these countries have switched to using the english language outside of their homes, integrated better into english-language-using culture ~ which could be combined within the coordinated switch-over + language transition to english, and the cartels no longer exist; then, they could become citizens, &/or, the countries could become territories of the United States, with possibilities of splitting them up into new states for a farther future to decide upon. In the meantime, anyone from the annexed Central American countries could be allowed to legally work in the US. Indigenous Tribes of the area, that don’t already have such, should be recognized, contacted, & offered the chance to own independent chunks of land – reservations, if they so want ~ separate territories with similar status’ as reservations in the US & in Costa Rica. Additionally; descendants of Conquistadores may be offered boat & plane rides to Spain & Portugal, if they so wish; else, eventual citizenship can be given to those who pass an english language proficiency test (& preferably, fail an NPC/nonselfthinking-wokeness test).

V: Build high speed & high capacity rail lines & roads from South America, through the Darién Gap, all the way up to North America. This could significantly lower our dependence on globalized supply chains that put us at the whims of super-polluting container ships going to&fro from Asia, today. North American companies would have a commercially viable access to build factories in South America. The rail lines could be all-electric, clean energy powered (like 5th generation nuclear reactor(s)) high-capacity cargo trains, & super-speed Japanese maglev passenger trains.

VI: Occasional excursions, by the US military, into Columbia, Ecuador, possibly Venezuela, and other South American countries, may also be needed, at times, to wipe out cartels located there - in the post Darién Gap border wall future. Complete the construction of advanced detection system(s) around the entirety of the US & Central America & operate them, as needed.

VII: With peaceful, easy to manage borders, comes the benefit of not having to worry about them much: only the Coast-Guard/Navy would be needed from then on to help protect our sea to shining sea, near 360 degrees, coastal borders; while the border patrol would have less than 100-miles-across to patrol of the US’ sole over-land border (with Columbia). As such, the border-patrol could be reduced, significantly, with additional reductions to the military also something to consider in the future.

:heavy_check_mark::crazy_face: Possibly, Belize could be left independent; as it’s out-of-the-way on the pathway to South America, & already english speaking; becoming the Macao/Monaco/Luxembourg/Hong Kong/… of the Americas. Bonus points given to exile flashy kid-socks Justin Trudeau there (he’d be closer to his fatherland of Cuba, anyways).

From 7,458 miles of borders to under 100; imagine that future where the only real threats would have to travel over, or under, the surrounding oceans, through the air, from space, or through the very narrow Darién Gap - now protected by a Yuge wall across it. Only things like oceans, mountains, rivers/river-valleys, deserts, forest/jungles, swamps, etc., create good geographically/geologically/ecologically, long-term stable borders, and the Darién Gap is the best candidate of them all! Why wait for a far-future time when the border problems have become large enough that re-making the borders is inevitable? Over 100-thousand drug related deaths per year already seems like atomic bomb level significant, yearly! We shouldn’t need to wait for the cartels to get actual atomic bombs before taking action – which, considering that they aren’t all idiots, is a possibility! There may be some pain in doing thusly, but right now may be the greatest power discrepancy between the US military & all those countries than it’ll ever be henceforth. It would be historical change that would put the administration, with that long-term foresight, into a foundational changes level of historical remembrance. Accomplishing this change would set-up the US for thousands of years of peace, & prosperity - even if it doesn’t last for thousands of years; at-least we’ll have positioned it for that level of success – the current 7,458 miles of borders only spell-out instability; past, present, & future – great for drama, gossip, and fear mongering headlines; but not for fortuitous lengths of time. By annexing Canada, we would effectively make our northern border zero miles wide ~ the surrounding tumultuous northern oceans, hard to traverse, & monitorable via sensors, satellites, and the Coast Guard; and by annexing Mexico, & Central America, our southern border would become under 100 miles across! We would create a nation that has a stable foundation to last for thousands of years in peace & prosperity; shaping our own best possible future preemptively in-order to save countless future lives - not just for us, but for everyone north of our new, easily defensible, minuscule, and sole, overland border!

Why? The language barrier is enough to prove that difficult. Mexico should be annexed by South America, shouldn’t it? I’m not even sure why anyone is annexing anyone else. Why would we do that? I do not agree with these so called Kingdoms that have been suggested in other places, either. I would need a better rational before we mess with a Country’s sovereignty. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :heart:

Thanks for the input. Your idea about joint task forces has been added, & the proposal updated to try to be more clear ~ annexing doesn’t mean kicking the people out of those countries. Financial burden… hmm, not sure – maybe? probably not?? ~ the US military gets paid whether they’re here, or doing over-seas shenanigans. Shrinking the northern border to basically zero, and the southern one to around one hundred miles wide, vs 7,458 miles of current borders, is likely a substantial savings over time!? And, the cost-savings of having products built in Central & South America, instead of Asia, would likely be significant?! Not to mention the number of North Americans who would likely not die from cartel drugs, after those cartels are gone & the supply of drugs has likely dropped significantly.

With the exception of our own borders, I agree with you about kingdoms – the US military should get out of over-seas nations!; imaginary threats ~ likely, only threats to other countries, not to us – and many of those threats seem to be directly caused by the US military, State Department, Non Governmental Organizations, & other 3-letter bureaucracies, messing around in their neighborhoods. However, for long-term safety, peace, stability; expanding, or contracting, our home’s borders until they merge with natural barriers like oceans, mountain ranges, rivers, jungles, etc., just makes sense ~ to make our own kingdom as not dangerous as it possibly can be so that we’ll not even have to really think about it anymore in the future. That should be priority #1; not messing around over seas with others’ kingdoms’ borders.

Language~culture barrier is an issue, thanks for bringing it up. I’ve added some rough-thoughts ideas to the proposal about how it could be accomplished in a better way than our K-12’s current, ridiculous, rote memorization of vocabulary method (it’s such a failure – why are languages still taught like that? ~ learning how to read, but not actually speak, other languages ~ except, for a tiny number of exceptionally motivated students…). Belize is already english speaking, & along with many english-speaking Mexican celebrities, many touristy areas in the spanish speaking countries have plenty of english speakers who could help the process. Thanks for your thoughts. :person_cartwheeling:t2:

  1. I get the natural borders thing and even, eventually, the language thing, if learning is not coerced. Lot’s of injustice between borders that hasn’t been taken care of, which leaves us wondering if it ever will be. It should be our choice how to proceed.

  2. HERE’S THE REALLY BIG THING: The people of these countries haven’t voted on this initiative and so it’s basically a wide scale practice of eminent domain. Again, another “higher power” standing over the people making decisions for them with a “we know what’s best” paradigm. Exactly what we’re trying to get away from. WHERE’S the sovereignty? Will voting ever be legitimate from the cheating schemes we experience today? Questionable, at this point- cause we haven’t seen the system fixed and 2020 is still out there like a big red glowing ball of injustice. And yet, this ‘divide the world up’ scheme has already been talked about in many hierarchical circles and, seemingly, decided. Weird, huh?

  3. The word Kingdom is repugnant given Humanity’s association with them here on Earth. The Corporate Crown of England, as an example. We don’t want any more Kings or Queens- thus the Revolutionary War. :heart:

Oh, and the French Revolution.

I’ve replaced your trigger word, kingdom, with ‘country’; in this & the Canada proposal. Since kingdoms still exist on this planet, the word kingdom really isn’t a synonym & I shouldn’t be using it as such.

I’ve also added a new placeholder item to the proposal about your idea (i./I:), with my initial very rough thoughts~notes about it. If you have any feelings about it, or want to coauthor it yourself, thanks in advance.

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Oh. Ok Let’s take over the world that way. :wink: :heart:

We definitely don’t know if the voting is legitimate, here, or anywhere. I’m not sure what you mean with “‘divide the world up’ scheme”, though… However, your initial thought about giving them a chance to vote does have merit; even if you’re personally completely against the idea of expansion presented in this proposal. We can’t know what future administrations would do once in control of all North & Central America; would they become greedy & try to take more? Become Kings & Queens? Who-knows. This proposal is just about the present & attempting to think about the future – The US is still a very young country & as-such its borders are still 100% malleable – even if it doesn’t feel like that to us b/c the last expansion happened 170years ago (less, if you count the ownership of the Panama Canal until 1979). We haven’t been shown any good faith by our governments, career politicians, as to why they do many things – maybe they have noble (yes, kingdom deluded minds), rather than “we know what’s best”, reasons ~ but this proposal isn’t with them in mind, but us – making our home safe rather than messing around over-seas. From our perspective; things our government has been doing looks exactly like corruption; personal ambitions, potential blackmail, divided national loyalties, to flat-out evil - secretly giving soldiers & civilians drugs, black men syphilis, mandating vaccines that have direct links to negative health outcomes (see RFK talk about the Hepatitis-B vaccine & CDC-NIH-FDA-EMA-WHO & pharma’s secret talks on how they’ll cover it up – 1,135% increase in autism diagnoses for kids who had been injected with that vaccine – but “autism is genetic!” yell the ‘experts’; likely, most autistic-like-symptoms people are not genetically autistic – word-play gaslighting that probably starts from ’scientists’ paid-off by pharma corps, then leaks-down to the npc cult-followers echoing those ‘experts’, and their 100% totally science, agreed upon by 98% of scientists, completely-totally infallible ‘research findings’- trying to divert attention from the direct correlation that has, at-least according to what RFK has said, already been found between at-least one vaccine & autism), gain-of-function medical~bio-warfare research outsourced to other countries, money laundering schemes for career politicians & their kids, etc., to mention just a few of their more recent evil-y shenanigans – so, expanding our home nation this drastically may very well be a bad idea with how corrupt our own government currently is; or, not – maybe new members, Canadians & Latinos, would be a force in a positive direction? Or, it could already be too late ~ All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty-Dumpty together again. Sitting around waiting until the cartels purchase some Pakistani/Iranian/North-Korean/… nukes, with their riches, though… ~ I would rather take the chance on preemptively removing possibilities like that – less than 100miles of borders in the future instead of 7,458 miles; absolutely no need to expand further than that/”divide up the world”? - having oceans as our East, West, and Northern borders, and the slim Darién Gap to the South - just makes more sense than continuing to slap 35ft long steel beams 5ft into a concrete foundation to create a faux-natural border that might buy us another 170 years of semi-peace, but definitely won’t be a historically long-term solution. rambling… But really, if you want to write i/I, since it’s originally your idea, go for it. Coauthors are welcome. I’m not taking this site too seriously; but, who-knows; doesn’t this new administration just feel full of new possibilities? Imagine your own - preferably i/I of this proposal so that I can be lazy & just copy-paste it. :face_holding_back_tears: :v:

Evidently, I had to reword some stuff cause my post sought approval…and didn’t get it? It’s too bad because I added a lot of whimsical rhetoric. Okay, here goes again minus the fun stuff-

Humpty Dumpty, by the way, was a spy. I don’t feel bad for all the King’s men. :wink: But, you know my trigger word…

Anytime you distance any decision away from a person- a sovereign, from people- a community, you are sacrificing, NAY–NAY! You are STEALING freedom away. There’s no other way to put it. And that means you are treading on the sovereign, inalienable, God-given rights of each and every individual. Period. And, you are doing it purposefully as if Powers that Be has a right to do it in the interest of ‘doing what’s best’ for the People. Annexation is just another word for totalitarianism, eminent domain, treason, blah blah blah. It’s what we are fighting now. So, let the People reorganize themselves and keep everybody else out of it- including, and most assuredly, the Government.

I do take this site seriously as the voice of the People, such as your own. I love that you are participating in that experience as a sovereign and I solute you for it. I have great hopes for the- dare I say it- “incoming” administration. :wink: We’ll see his intensions very quickly as in justice already being served and his willingness to hand over power to the People. Many of us understand our true past. If only partially. We know where we do and where we don’t want to head. My own proposal is this: FREEDOM. Absolute, unadulterated FREEDOM. I’m all for protection of the People while they reform. I’m for technology that we should have already had. I’m for tearing down political, economic, educational, health, legislative, judicial, executive and all other systems that have controlled us- including border policy gone amuck. Let the “Powers that Be” tear down the old while We the People build the new. Anything else from the ‘Powers that Be’ is too much. And, of course I will help you reorganize this proposal because I like your gumption. Understand, it will be something quite different when it is finished. :heart: :heart:

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2nd largest revision completed on everything, except list item #5. Mostly just slimmed everything down & wrote a preliminary #1. Started to break-up things into sub-items/events/things. Also, switched IV & V around & ended up actually adding a provision in IV to let people leave, if they so wish; similar-ish to kicking them out that the first commentator seemed to mistakenly believe the proposal was calling for :leftwards_hand::face_in_clouds: don’t plan on working on this again for some time; please pre-forgive any, possibly month-long, delay in response :clinking_glasses::sparkler: Look forward to working with you(s); any comments, suggestions, coauthoring, etc., are welcome.:fox_face::fist_right:

I accept your dare. See you in a month. HaHa!- in pirate speak. :leftwards_hand:

Just to be fair and upfront. I’ll be working to convince you to replace the title. That will require a thorough examination of your intention, perceived, for the use of Annex. :thinking:

Just to get my bearings. I see, this includes more than Mexico and is actually a crisis zone throughout. Children are often the victims. I can see why you included the entire Central America with Mexico, keeping much culture and language in-tact. I can see why it is set as a border known as the Darien Gap.


The question of annexation: Definition? possession taken of a piece of land usually without permission or with a use of force. Given the human crisis of the area, what would be an alternative for “annexation”?

Three part plan, stabilization- as recommended by Mathew Martin, above, is the motive and key to participation.

I. Cooperative Control:
Cooperative military assistance, United States and local Military, of these areas to stabilize the area immediately. Get the powers that be on board with helping their people. Provide humanitarian care and provide for the People in these areas through the efforts of the United States relief and humanitarian assistance provisions. Someone’s got to do it and, thus far, the military or powers that be in these areas have not been able to succeed in this themselves. A cooperative venture with the U.S. leading the security.

II. Stabilization Efforts:
Work to provide the People with basic needs. Reunite families. Build, rehabilitate communities via humanitarian assistance. Provide safety and security. Build a cooperative, helpful cross-cultural community of relief while empowering members of the local community to take control of their needs.

III. Campaign the Vote: Joint Citizenship for North and Central America
Undertake a campaign to gather a vote to join with the United States in a 'North & Central American" citizenship venture. Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America join together as a Continent of shared safety and security. Much better than annexation. I don’t know the politics of such a move, but slow and sure would be the way I would go. :heart: :heart: