Americans who marry citizens of hostile countries should lose their citizenship

Chinese “sleeper agents”, dual citizens and spies are often a result of American men marrying Chinese women or vice versa. In addition, this is how these foreign elements can obtain American citizenship easily.

Instead of giving American citizenship to the spouses of Americans, we should strip American citizenship from Americans who, through their marriage, endanger national security.

The Department of Homeland Security should create a list of hostile countries and update it yearly. It should start with China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, Belarus, Cuba and Venezuela.

An American citizen who marries or has sexual relations with a citizen of such a country would commit a criminal offence and would lose his citizenship and be deported to the country of his spouse after serving his prison term.

Refugees who are fleeing these countries’ regimes and would renounce their citizenship at the first opportunity, even if that means becoming stateless, can be exempted.

If you are a law-abiding American citizen, there is no reason for you to have intercourse or even marry a Chinese prostitute.

I can’t imagine marring someone I didn’t know well. Are you thinking about mail order brides or
actual marriages where people spend time falling in love with eachother. Would this apply to every marriage between a US citizen and a citizen of a Hostile Country?

I just finished reading, In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park. It was such a devistating and insightful book about a young woman that grew up in North Korea and escaped. Our country is better for having welcomed her. A lot of good comes from marriage even when those marriages are with citizens of other countries.


This is an absurd idea.