Allow the creations of new major political parties

I understand that there are more political parties in the United States aside from the major 2. However the United States and 25 other countries have a two-party system. The majority of countries around the world have a multi-party system. I think it is time to freshen up the political scene in this country and allow the independent party to become the third major political party in the country along with the creation of at least 2-3 new major political parties. That way when the next election comes the American public have more options aside from the major two. Imagine in 2028 the options for president of America are (Democrat, Republican, Independent along with the 3 new parties)


Get rid of “republican” and “democrat” these are meaningless today. Do we need parties at all? Why not let anyone who is qualified and wants to run do so without a party affiliation? A first debate or intro to candidates session runs on TV where each candidate introduces themselves, their qualifications and ideas. There’s an initial vote to select the top 3-5 (or whatever is a good number), they are given equal amounts of money to spend and they spend a year campaigning, then there’s a vote. They may not accept contributions from entities that could cause a conflict of interest.

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Me personally I wouldn’t go as far as saying to get rid of the Democrat and Republican parties, those are part of American history regardless of how you feel about them. If we are talking about a restructuring of those parties I would agree with. I also agree with your way of electing a president however its very hard for a independent to win the presidency, to my knowledge the closest was Ross Perot but even then he had 18.9% of the vote in the 92 elections. Sure the first American president was an independent candidate but that was before the creation of both parties

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