Actually Safe and Clean Water for Every American

Local municipalities can only do so much to filter and purify their communities water supply.

No matter how pure the water is at the treatment facility, it then travels through miles of pipe, picking up contaminants along the way. Not to mention that the chlorine used in most treatment plants to sterilize the water, though legal, often comes out of your tap at unsafe levels for end users to consume (per

The only feasible solution to ensure that every American has truly safe water to drink and to cook with, is achieved by the installation of Point Of Entry Treatment Systems (POETS) in every home.

There are many certified and licensed water filtration products and companies in the United States that are ready to fulfill this need.

Most source their materials from over seas, but some of these companies source and assemble their products here in the United States and they should be given higher priority for government subsidees and other incentive programs.

An additional avenue is to provide home owners with subsidies and/or tax breaks for installing a certified water filtration system in their home.

To see what’s in your cities tap water, visit EWG Tap Water Database and put in your zip code.

You will be SHOCKED by how many contaminants are in your water supply, often at levels that are dozens even hundreds of times higher than levels deemed safe for consumption.

Just because you tap water is legal, doesn’t mean that it’s safe.

Let’s Make America Healthy Again.