Accountability Gun Control

I am 100% for 2A but we need to compromise for all Americans and try to address the biggest fear for a parent and that is school shootings as well as mass shootings in general. Absolutely there are other solutions such as protections in place at vulnerable places like schools, but I am not in favor of vague and arbitrary background checks where the government decides if I am allowed to have a gun or not. BUT I am in favor of a close friend or family member vouching for a person to buy a gun with one distinction. ACCOUNTABILITY.

My gun policy involves the requirement that a second person must vouch for you and co-sign for it. (Co-sign does not give any right to ownership.) By signing for it this person is 100% accountable for the actions taken with that gun. I would mostly restrict this accountability specifically to mass shootings, assassination attempts, and planned murders. But if someone uses that gun for such an action this secondary owner is 100% responsible and should be charged as if they did the action themselves.

This policy does a few things: 1. It makes people hesitant to vouch for another gun user without true honest assessment of their mental health and wellbeing. 2. This creates a direct contact who has motivation to continue to check on the wellbeing of this person through communication and interaction. 3. This creates a negative consequence for a person to take such a horrendous action. Prior to this policy someone may be prepared to do these acts knowing they will not have to live with their actions afterwards because they intend to die in the act. But this policy would create a guilt of leaving another person behind who has to live with these legal consequences as well as the other burdens. This accountability will additionally may make individuals to rethink their actions before they do. I think accountability by multiple individuals is the answer.

This seems very simple to implement. A second individual gives contact information and co-signs during the transaction of a gun purchase. Failure of the gun seller to adequately require this second person or faking a co-signer takes on this accountability themselves. Secondly a red flag system should be implemented for the co-signer to have access to report concerns on a vouched individual. Their failure to not recognize concerns or odd behaviors or mental incapacity makes them 100% accountable and thus incentivizes individuals to maintain communication and offer help and assistance when they notice an individual struggling. However, if they realize this communication is dissipating and concerns grow, they can report to this system and become noncompliant in this action. Hopefully, this will create better reporting.

I truly believe this is a 100% honest solution that all sides could agree with. Please feel free to poke holes but I think most would agree that this does not take away rights but could prevent most if not all mass shootings (by a legal gun)

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Downgrade a fundamental right to a cheap illusion? I think not. The major issue with your plan is that it places responsibility on a 3rd party and you can guarantee that if someone does something wrong with a gun, then the next person in line is going to be the one who vouched for them just as you suggeted so who is going to vouch for anyone? That is not how you treat a right.

In the same way you want people to vouch for a person before they can defend their own life with the most effective tool for the job, I suggest we do the same before you can speak. Speech is far more deadly than any gun ever was. Was it not speech that gained the support of an entire nation to gas millions of people? Get out of here with that nonsense. This is just as bad as the no women shoould be able to vote garbage on here.

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I’m not really following your logic and I am not understanding your harsh response. This is just an idea and a different one for a problem that doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere between two sides. I thought that is what this forum is for.

I want to emphasize this vouching policy is only for the rare occasions of mass shootings and most specifically the school shootings. I do not blame the guns, I rightfully blame the person and rightfully blame the people around them who let the warning signs go on without interjecting. As bad as an act as someone shooting someone else in a domestic dispute or murder, those typically are caused by rage and no co-signer can be held responsible for that UNLESS they knew that the gun was bought specifically for that murder. These are super rare events that the news emphasizes and makes it like it happens more often than it does BUT still one school shooting is still horrific. MOST often this is a mental health issue and the issue not being addressed. I only think this creates at least one person who has self interest in keeping tabs on them and fully responsible to report concerns to authorities. Otherwise, red flags are there but no one finds it there responsibility to report it. It’s like showing up to an accident and the difference of yelling someone call 911 verse saying hey you call 911.

Last, I already had to get a permit in my state , fill out a bunch of paperwork and get background checks, how hard is it really to find someone to vouch for me to buy a gun for hunting, safety, or protection?

Please keep an open mind on this forum.

I would never endorse anyone with these repercussions. I don’t think many would support this.
I also believe the old ideas hold most true. Where more people are armed, fewer of these incidents will occur.

Unconstitutional. All it would take is someone who doesn’t like guns to lie about you and you are screwed.

This doesn’t require negligence by a third party. So it will never happen. Though we agree on the need for a solution and are having a conversation on how to do so. It’s a start!

A “common sense” gun control fix. Let’s finally do it for the children and stop politicizing tragedies and eliminate false flag motivations. Remember when a citizen needs a gun for protection in the next few seconds, the police are in usually at least twenty minutes away. In addition the courts have ruled police have NO duty to protect and serve the public! Call the Capitol and tell them to act to STOP the gun control madness and constitutional rights infringement. Find your representative here: Find Your Representative |
Call 1-202-224-3121 or 1-800-828-0498
The operator will ask you what State, and transfer you to your Senator and your State Representative. It takes about 2 minutes. Let them know as a voter and a constituent, you urge them to oppose all gun control laws which might infringe on any constitutional rights. Specifically, ask your elected official to oppose all anti-gun legislation and any other proposals which may infringe on protections under the bill of rights. In addition tell them there should be constitutional carry for open for concealed carry of long and short guns in america!

Ban the child’s fantasy known as “gun-free zones” and hold all the individual(s) involved as well as the corporation establishing one on private property responsible and chargeable as accessories to violent crimes occurring in the zone, where a citizens right to self defense was infringed. Mandate all gun free zones must provide armed security, carry a minimum of 25 million insurance per occupant allowed into the business up to the occupancy limit by fire code. Adults can conclude only law abiding citizens will actually refrain from bringing guns into a “gun-free zone.” The majority of mass shootings have occurred in these legally established safe hunting grounds for homicidal maniacs. Let’s stop the insanity and start doing what is logical. Let’s start saving lives.

Make any crime committed against property or citizen(s) with a gun, knife or other weapon in your possession automatically carry a minimum mandatory charge and sentence. 1st offense adds 10-20 years without parole just for the weapon, no plea reduction of the charge or sentence, 2nd offense mandates death sentence to be carried out not more than 90 days after conviction! Make individual(s) serving on parole boards or granting clemency personally and financially liable for future crimes of every prisoner they release.

Require public schools to teach gun safety in every grade. Encourage citizens 18+ who aren’t felons or incompetent to carry a gun or weapon.
Mandate every employee not otherwise unable to carry a weapon is armed and carrying at all times while being paid with tax dollars. This will turn all of our schools and government run facilities into heavily protected zones instead of victim pools.

We all know it’s really about the liberal agenda and it has nothing to do with our safety or our Constitutional Rights! The existing and new proposals only infringe on the ability of law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to self-defense, criminals and terrorist will always find a way to get a weapon.

#SecondAmendment #HonorTheConstitution #RescindIllegalGunControl 2A

Let’s actually make the recognized “right” in second amendment a truly uninfringed right!